Sometimes you have files which you wish to keep, but don't really belong anywhere. Spotless allows you to specify a default folder which can be a useful place to dump this kind of file, so they aren't cluttering up your computer but are still accessible. When you first run Spotless you will be asked to specify your preferred location for the Spotless folder. To make this folder easy to find we suggest creating a folder in your user folder, for example "~/Spotless", however if you do not specify a different location it will be located in "~/Library/Application Support/Spotless" as this is an approved location for us to write files.
For convenience you can right click on the Spotless status menu icon to open the Spotless folder in Finder, regardless of where you have configured the Spotless folder to be.
You can configure the Spotless folder location at any time in the General tab of the Spotless preferences, and Spotless will ask you if you would like to move any files already in the folder for you to the new location.
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