Even the tidiest of us find at times that certain folders on our Mac become cluttered with files. Two such common locations are the Desktop and Downloads folders. Spotless provides a convenient way to tidy files into the locations they belong. Spotless provides two convenient ways to trigger this process, by dropping files onto the Spotless drop target, or by setting up Automation to run a task at regular intervals on the contents of a folder. Spotless provides a convenient Autotidy feature which allows you to teach Spotless where your files belong so that it can tidy them for you automatically.
When Spotless is asked to process files, either by Drag & Drop or from an Automation job, it will run a Task. A Task is simply a set of rules to apply to the files being processed to determine what action should be taken for each. For example, you may create a task that is configured to move any JPG files it finds to the Pictures folder, and copy any files with filenames containing the text "accounts" into the Documents folder. Spotless allows you to create powerful rules to give you full control over which files are moved, but don't be put off if this seems too complicated because the Autotidy feature allows you to get started with zero configuration.
By processing files when you want using Drag & Drop, or using Automation jobs to process messy folders at regular intervals you will soon have your Mac looking Spotless, leaving all your files where they belong.
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