You can create as many tasks as you like in Spotless. A Task is simple a set of rules to apply to files to tell Spotless what action to take on each.
To create a new task:
- Click on the Spotless status menu icon
- Click the menu button top right to expand the Spotless menu
- Choose "Preferences..." from the menu
- On the Spotless Preferences panel, select the Tasks tab
- Click the + button below the Task list to add a new Task
- Type a name for the Task which describes briefly what the Task does e.g. "Tidy Images" and press Enter
- Click the + button below the Rules list on the right hand side in the Task options
- In the sheet that drops down type a name for the new Rule e.g. "Move JPG Files"
- Configure the Condition by choosing what property of the file you want to match your criteria. The default option is "Kind" allowing you to specify that files of a particular Kind will match
- You can add more conditions by clicking the + and specify whether All or Any of the conditions need to match
- Choose the Action you wish Spotless to take when a file matches the Rule, and configure the options
- Click Done to save the Rule
- You can create additional Rules to handle other files
- Spotless processes the rules from top to bottom, and you can specify the order yourself by dragging and dropping the Rules in the rule list.
- Optionally you can specify the default Action to take on files which are processed but are not matched by any of the Rules.
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